Good Governance

Proposition: If good governance promotes the rule of law, equality under the law, transparency and accountability in managing the affairs of the state, the participation of the poorest and the most vulnerable in decision-making over the allocation of development resources, then the current government will thrive to achieve good governance, otherwise the Liberian people have the constitutional duty to vote for candidates, in the next electoral cycle, that they believe will not only promote good governance but thrive to achieve it.

Take the Democratic Leadership pledge

I, ______, pledge to the citizens and residents of the  ____or district of the county of ______ that I do two things: First, I pledge and commit to equality under the law, participation of all members of civil society in the democratic process, good governance, and sustainable development. And second, I pledge to work hand in hand with the Liberia government to develop and maintain an electoral system that provides free and fair elections, create social cohesion and solidarity among Liberians irrespective of social status.

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